Open call closed: Art project in Without Frontiers- Lunetta a Colori 2023
Karen Mueller
Selection of an urban art project at the Without Frontiers – Lunetta en Colori 2023 festival
1. Purpose of the call
The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB), together with the organizers of the urban art festival Without Frontiers – Lunetta en Colori 2023, creates an open call for the selection of an urban art project for the festival, which is held from 11 to 18 June 2023 in Mantua, Italy.
2. Description and objective of the project
The IEB is a body of the Government of the Balearic Islands dedicated to promoting the language and culture of the archipelago. Through its culture area, its strategic objective is to consolidate the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, in addition to promoting the external projection of music, performing arts, literature and the visual arts of this territory.
In order to promote and give visibility to artistic creation in the field of visual arts in the Balearic Islands, the IEB participates in the Without Frontiers – Lunetta en Colori 2023 festival with an urban art proposal by a visual artist from the Balearic Islands .
The history of the Lunetta district dates back to the 1960s when the then Mantua municipal council approved the plan that allowed the construction of social housing for twelve thousand inhabitants in the area. Four thousand inhabitants of eighteen different ethnic groups currently live in Lunetta. It also houses a series of educational and socio-cultural services such as the headquarters of the University of Brescia, a creativity laboratory, a youth center, two schools, a library and the Lunetta Cultural Camp, with a theater and dance school and spaces for residences of artists.
WITHOUT FRONTIERS | Lunetta a Colori reaches its eighth edition this year. In this edition, the festival seeks to create a bridge between the Lunetta neighborhood and the center of Mantua, with such an important heritage for the history of art.
The artists will have to propose a site specific artistic project (mural art, photography or any other artistic language) that relates the urban space of the city with the suburb of Lunetta. Proposals whose purpose is to carry out workshops or participatory activities, without the production of artistic work, are also accepted.
The thematic focus proposed by the festival for the 2023 edition is “ÀNCORA – ANCÓRA”, which seeks to explore the relationship of the past with the present and the future of the city:
The curatorial project of this new edition of WITHOUT FRONTIERS | Lunetta a Colori is based on the polysemy of the Italian word "ancora" (anchor, yet, again), which with the movement of a small graphic sign completely changes its meaning: “àncora” (anchor) and “ancóra” ( yet again).
The anchor ties us to the past, to the roots, to the traditions, it represents the security of the refuge and the salvation in the middle of the storm, the stability of the affections and the inner firmness.
When the accent moves, the look starts from what was yesterday and projects us beyond, towards the unknown, tomorrow.
In this edition, the artists are called to reflect on the change of perspective that the transition from a past made of ties that fill the Lunetta neighborhood with life to the future that its inhabitants ask for their home implies. A future that does not forget what has been, but that does not satisfy and explode desire.
Learn more at
The activities and exhibitions of the festival take place in the Lunetta neighborhood.
3. Recipients
The call is addressed to natural visual artists from the Balearic Islands or residents of the archipelago.
Creators selected in previous calls cannot participate in the 2023 edition.
4. Management and technical coordination
The technical team of the festival is in charge of all the tasks related to the organization and production of the project, as well as the travel and stay of the selected Balearic artist within the framework of the festival. The IEB collaborates with the festival by covering the fees and travel expenses of the participating Balearic artist.
The selected artist must coordinate closely with the festival's technical team for all issues related to his participation in the festival.
5. Fees of the participating artist
The fees of the selected visual artist amount to €2,000 (taxes included), which the festival will pay to the author of the selected project upon presentation of the invoice.
The fees cover the preparation and execution of the project and the non-exclusive assignment of reproduction and public communication rights related to the artist's participation in the festival.
6. Travel, accommodation and maintenance
The festival manages and organizes the return trip of the artist to the city of Mantua, as well as his lodging and maintenance.
7. Dates of stay
The activities related to the artist's participation begin on June 11 and continue until June 17, when the festival celebrates its opening with the works or activities carried out. Depending on the production needs of the selected project, the artist is offered to travel to Mantua from June 5, with a stay scheduled until maximum June 19, 2023.
The duration of the festival is from June 11 to 18, 2023.
8. Selection of the winning project
The selection of the winning project corresponds to Simona Gavioli, artistic director of the festival; Riccardo Lanfranco, president of the Il Cerchio e le Gocce association and member of the selection committee for the artists participating in the festival; and Giulia Pecchini, Head of Culture at the Mantua City Council.
The criteria that will guide the selection of the project are:
- quality and artistic interest of the project,
- the fit within the program of the event,
- adaptation to the proposed thematic focus.
9. Presentation of projects
To register in the prior selection process, it is necessary to send the project proposal and the trajectory of the visual artist to Files must be in PDF format. In the subject line of the email, please indicate “Open call Without Frontiers – Lunetta 2023”.
The dossier file must be identified with the name of the artist and the title of the project (Name_Title).
The project proposal must be accompanied by an indicative production budget and a brief explanatory text that establishes the thematic relationship with the focus proposed by the festival. In case of including illustrative images, they must be in low resolution.
Only one project proposal per participant will be accepted.
The IEB will confirm receipt of the project.
10. Deadline for receipt of projects
The deadline for receiving projects ends on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 11:00 p.m. Any application for participation sent after the established deadline will not be considered.
11. Resolution
The author of the selected project will receive an email confirming its selection by the IEB (until, at the latest, May 26, 2023), to which they must respond confirming participation.
Once this procedure is resolved, the IEB will inform all participants of the final result by email and will publish the result of the final selection on its website.
The IEB reserves the right to declare the call void in the event that the festival directors decide that the projects presented do not meet the selection criteria described or do not fit into the scheduled programming.
More information
In case of questions or queries, you can contact Karen Müller, visual arts technician at the IEB (; 971 17 89 96).