The Ministry of culture present at the WOMEX world music fair in Poland, through the ILLENC

WOMEX, considered the most important fair of music of the world, is one of the international events that brings more direct recruitment to bands and musicians. It is a perfect setting for musicians playing fusion music projects and musics of the world. It was held in Katowice, Polonia, from the 25th to the 29th of october.
The Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (ILLENC) was there with its own stand. Many scheduled meetings with music professionals were carried out as, for example, with music representatives, programmers, promoters and producers. These meetings have helped to publicise a wide range of artistic music of the world proposals and professionals from the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Peru, India, Poland, Serbia, Egypt and Argentina. On the other hand, the ILLENC professionals have explained the existence of the exterior projection program for musics in the Institute (which is eligible for the Balearic artists or organizers), and also the Fira B! the professional music and arts market at the Illes Balears, that wants to expand the exchanges with other territories around the world in 2018.
On the other hand, an informal meeting at the stand or the ILLENC for acredited profesionals was organized on saturday 29, along with the Catalan Institute of cultural enterprises, to create and strengthen new professional relationships.
12 professionals of the Illes Balears attended the fair thanks to the Institut d'Estudis Balearics, among musicians, representatives and organizers of festivals.
Being in WOMEX is part of the strategy of the ILLENC: being present continuously at the key markets of the different artistic disciplines to establish collaborations and exchanges that allow to show the music from the Illes Balears to the whole world. The ILLENC has participated in 2017 in Eurosonic (Groningen), Babel Med Music (Marseille), Jazz Ahead (Bremen), spring PRO (Barcelona), Classical Next (Rotterdam), Sonar Festival (Barcelona), Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Fira Mediterrània in Manresa, Monkey Week (Seville) and BIME (Bilbao), and plans to attend Trovam (Castello), BAFIM (Buenos Aires) and the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (England).