Double recital for singer-songwriters at Fira B!
Núria Abad
Singer-songwriters will enjoy a special presence at this third edition of Fira B! with the celebration of two recitals dedicated to this kind of musical expression. Both will take place at Sa Nostra's Cultural Centre (Centro de Cultura Sa Nostra), from 13.30h to 16.15h on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of September, featuring six authors: Jordi Maranges, Erik Goransson, Apol·lonia, Arantxa Andreu, Leonmanso and Damià Oliver.
On Thursday 21st, at 13.30h, Jordi Maranges will kick off the concert presenting tracks from his latest album, Món físic, an intimate and autobiographic collection; at 14.45h Erik Goransson, a composer of Swedish origin that is established in Mallorca while clearly influenced by American folk music, who has recently published his second studio album, entitled Perspective; and at 15.30h it will be the turn of Apol·lònia sings Maria Cinta, a record in which the singer reinterprets the songs of the child prodigy of the groovy sixties Nova Cançó genre.
On Friday, it is Arantxa Andreu who will begin at 13.30h by playing some of her songs, always atmospheric and delicate, from her two albums: Hilando sueños and El calor de la vida. She will be followed at 14.45h by Leonmanso, from Menorca, with his second album, Jardins de brutes basses, and the session will finish off with Damià Oliver at 15.30h, with his Mediterranean folk-pop compositions that sail between tradition and modernity.