Opell Call for Dansa València 2024

Fira B! Professional Market of Music and Performing Arts of the Balearic Islands, organized by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sports, through the Institute of Balearic Studies, has one of the main objectives of contributing to sustaining and expanding the contemporary creation of the Balearic Islands. Balearic Islands, to strengthen the circuits for disseminating the work of creators and companies and activating collaboration between different autonomous communities.
With this intention, the Fira B market! i Dansa València create a line of collaboration to donate support to contemporary choreographic creation that has its origin in the Mediterranean context.
In the 2024 edition this collaboration includes a reciprocal invitation to an artist or company, for which Fira B! About the present call for the selection of a choreographic piece that will be programmed at the Dansa València 2024 festival, which will be held from April 13 to 21, 2024. The Balearic company Triada will perform at Dansa València on the 13th and/or 14th April 2024.
This call is aimed at artists, companies and other professionals who reside and/or work in the Balearic Islands, who develop their various proposals in the areas of dance and movement arts and who present a choreographic piece for the exhibition. .
Object and finality:
1. Impulses of the professional trajectòries of the Balearic creators and companies
2. Promotion, visibility and recognition of Balearic artistic projects.
3. Contribute to the incorporation of artists and companies into professional circuits.
4. Build circuits to disseminate the work of creators and companies in the Mediterranean context.
5. Strengthen the connection and professional relations with other autonomous communities.
The following are eligible for the exhibition call:
1. Physical persons
2. Legal persons
3. Groups of physical or legal persons, public or private.
4. The communities of bens
Requirements of persons presenting exhibition papers:
1. Live or work in the Balearic Islands
2. Have a professional background, accredited by a degree in higher education and/or the accredited debut of 3 professional shows.
Project presentation:
It is possible to present fish with the following characteristics.
- New proposals and audiovisual material of the complete piece for your viewing. - Format gran, mitjà or petit.
- Breus fish or large fish with a maximum duration of 80 minutes.
- Concebudes for a room, urban spaces or non-conventional spaces.
- Intended for adult audiences, family audiences or children's audiences.
The projects will be sent in digital format, in a single file in PDF format (maximum 5 pages and 5MB) with the following contingut:
- Contact details of the person who presents, in his own name or as a representative, the proposal, including name and information, telephone number and e-mail, as well as details of the company, association or any other legal formula valid in both cases. What will the contract be carried out (name, address and CIF).
- Description of the artistic proposal.
- Lasted.
- Public to which it is directed.
- Technical rider.
- Videos: link url to the teaser of the piece and the full piece.
- Professional career.
- Available on April 13 and/or 14, 2024, within the framework of the celebration of Dansa València 2024, which will take place from April 13 to 21, 2024.
This document will take time to send within the deadline for submission (from February 21 to 26) to the email address direccioartistica@firab.org with the submission: Convocatòria Dansa València 2024_Name and name of the sol·licitant_title of the proposal presented.
All requests will be responded to with an email showing proof of receipt.
End of presentation
The end of this call begins with the publication of these bases, on February 21, 2024, and ends on February 26, 2024 (incl.). Proposals must be sent to direccioartistica@firab.org
Criteria that will be taken into account in the valuation:
- Rigor of the project presented and its viability.
- Grau d’interest in the context of contemporary dance.
- Projection of the professional career of the creator or company.
- Difficulty of the offer to access professional circuits.
- Suitability of the proposal for the specific countries and for the general programming contingencies of Dansa València 2024.
The selection process is carried out in two phases:
1. Fira B! will carry out a previous selection of projects according to the criteria of the present call that will be presented to the Dansa Valencia 2024 programming team.
2. The selection of the piece that will be exhibited at Dansa València 2024 will be carried out by the selection committee of the festival mateix according to the object and finality of this call and the selection criteria of this competition.
Economic endowment
The remuneration for the exhibition at Dansa València 2024 will be a maximum of €4,000.00 + VAT (budget with everything included).
In the case of performing more than one function, the remuneration will be negotiated with the company.