The registration period is open to attend the XXXVI days of local historical studies dedicated to the Jews in the Balearics Islands organized by IEB

The Conselleria de Cultura, Participación y Deportes, through Institut de Estudios Baleáricos, organize the XXXVI days of local historical studies dedicated to the “Jews in the Balearics Islands. Presence, expulsion and repression”. The previous two years were held at the Pitiusas, in Ibiza in 2017, and in Formentera in 2016. This year will be at the Institut Menorquí D'Estudis (Menorca, Maó), coinciding with the commemoration of the 1600 years of the “Circular del obispo Severo de Menorca sobre la conversión de los judíos” year 418. The event will take place on 22, 23 and 24 of November.
The 9 presentations, about one hour long, and the 5 communication session, includes different communications of 15 minutes each, will take place between 22 and 24 November.
The schedule includes communications focused on some aspects of the Jewish community on each island, such as the communication of Guillem Alexandre Reus y Planells, about the Jewish quarter of Inca (Mallorca), which focuses on the urbanism and architecture between 1346 and 1391, or ‘The xuetes in the manufacture of the coin in Mallorca’ by Jaume Boada. Bartomeu Obrador Cursach situates his communication in the Balearic Islands, and specifically in the Pitiusas, with the title 'The Jewish footprint in the ancient epigraphy of the Balearic Islands and Pitiusas’.
Other communications are focused on the island of Menorca, as the one presented by Begoña Pons Segui, with the title of ' A look at the Jewish population of Menorca of the 14th century '. There are other Communications about the Balearic Islands in general as 'The Genetic legacy Sephardic: paternal and maternal lineages of the Xueta population' by Antònia Picornell and Joana Francesca Ferragut.
We will have the presence of doctors in history like Miquel Àngel Casasnovas, writers like Vicente Valero and Miquel Segura Aguiló, the philologist Rosa planas Ferrer and subjecti matter experts of the Universitat de les Illes balears as Jaume Sastre Moll or Carles Cabrera Villalonga, and of the University of Castilla-La Mancha as Matilde Morcillo.
The first presentation will be held by Miquel Segura Aguiló, with the title ' The Memory ‘Xueta’ beyond the files', on Thursday 22 of November. The second day, Friday November of 24, are scheduled most of the presentations, including ' Genesis and performance of the supreme Inquisition against the Jewish community in the Kingdom of Majorca at the beginning of the modern age' by Eduardo Pascual Ramos, of the Universitat de les Illes balears; or the one held by the philologist Rosa Planas Ferrer.
The first presentation of the last day, on Saturday 24 November, will be held by Lluís Tudela Villalonga (UNED-Balearic Islands), with the title ‘The importance of the Jewish community in the development of the commerce of the Balearic Islands during the Middle Ages '. Moreover, the doctor in history Miquel Àngel Casasnovas will present 'The Jews in Menorca in the modern age '.
All the communications will take place at the Institut Menorquí D'Estudis, an autonomous organism of the Consell Insular de Menorca. The concert of Mazik duo will be in the Sala Sant Antoni ' Sa Nostra ', with the support of the Ajuntament de Maó.
Newness of the XXXVI days of local historical studies
There will be the concert of Mazik duo, a menorcan duo included in the cultural exchange Talent IB. Mazik Duo is formed by the clarinetist Tolo Genestar and the pianist Marc Sumsi, and fuses classical music and klezmer, to capture through his music the situations that the Jewish community has suffered throughout history. The duet will perform on Thursday 22nd in the Sala Sant Antoni ‘Sa Nostra’ (Maó, Menorca) at 20.30 p.m.
With the aim of expanding the range of activities, the workshop of Jewish medieval cuisine "the Christianization of Jewish cuisine in Menorca" has been included in the schedule. This workshop will be held on Friday 23 November from 20.15 p.m. to 21.15 p.m. with Bep Al · lès (Gourmet and President of the Association of Journalists and gastronomic writers of the Balearic Islands).
To attend the XXXVI days of local historical studies, you can send an email to