Agustín Fernández Mallo
Ya nadie se llamará como yo + Poesía reunida (1998-2012)

The volume opens with the unpublished Ya nadie se llamará como yo, followed by his complete and revised poetic work, for which he has been awarded the Ciudad de Burgos Prize and the Café Mon Prize. The poems of Agustín Fernández Mallo, a very personal voice, highly recognized as a poet, respected by critics and very popular among writers and the public, "revitalize the fragmentation of the best pages of Rimbaud. In them,] the cult, the colloquial, philosophy, advertising, science, the everyday [...], the graphic [...], everything finds its place [...] all varieties of speech and semiotic systems are integrated. In this sense, the language of languages of The Cantos by Pound, one of the great modern ones, would be a certain precedent", Túa Blesa, El Cultural.
Source: publisher.