Carme Feliu Quadreny
Temps enrere
Temps enrera

In Temps enrere, Carme Feliu Quadreny gathers the memory of the years lived, first from the perspective of a girl, then a teenager and finally from that of a woman, daughter and mother, in a world where technological, social and economic changes caused the defeat of traditions, customs and knowledge. Temps enrere was written with the intention that they should not be lost at all.
Thus, the author, although adapted to the present, does not stop looking back at her youth, lived in the possession of Son Espases Nou and on the Rambla de Palma, with the nostalgia of those lost years that she lived happily with her eyes wide open to all that nature and the people around her showed her and that she has so successfully transmitted in a book that aims to keep alive the roots of the past because the strain of today is even stronger and present in our lives. (From the publisher).