Bartolomé Seguí
Las oscuras manos del olvido

Translated into: French (Dargaud, 2014).
Toinou is a Marseillan mobster that has just been released from prison, where he was locked for a crime he did not commit. He had taken the blame for it, so that the son of his protector, a historic capo, could walk out free. Before his imprisonment, he had a meeting with a Basque businessman who refused to pay the revolutionary tax to Basque terrorist group ETA. They agreed that, in case that he or anyone in his family was murdered, Toinou should look for someone called Itzala and kill him.
Free from the bars, but locked in his past, he feels obliged to fulfil his word. At that moment, his ordeal will begin.
Foreign rights: Mediatoon Foreign Rights - Dargaud-Lombard-Dupuis. Emilie Védis. Tél: +33 1 53 26 32 29