Violeta Lópiz
- (Ibiza, 1980)
- Genre: Illustrated book , Children's illustration , Children's Literature
She is mainly a picture book illustrator. She has published with Kalandraka, Anaya, Edelvives, Siruela, Oxford University Press, Enchanted Lyon, Bruaá Edição, Editions du Rouerge, Editions Didier, Hélium, Cambourakis, Topipittori and Planta Editora. Her illustrations have been awarded in the biennial ILUSTRARTE 2016 GRAN PRIX and in the Korea CJ Awards 2011. Also they have been selected for the "Salon du livre in Montreul" and 5 times in the "Bologna Children Book Fair exhibition". She has participated in several exhibitions in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Israel, Turkey, USA, Japan, Korea... The pictures made for "Les poings sur les îles" have been animated by Lu Bing for the "CJ Picture Book Festival animation". She also collaborates with the newspaper El Mundo, El Expresso de Portugal or Revista Iberia and designs pictures for clothes, interiors, murals, lamps, book covers, CD´s covers or Apps. She enjoys giving intensive illustration and creativity workshops for adults. Currently she has a studio in Berlin but she travels continuously and very often develops her work in residences and collaborating with other people.
WORKS (Selection)
·The Forest, New York, Enchanted Lyon, 2017.
·Berceuses et comptines d’Amérique du Sud, Paris, Editions du didier, 2017.
·Amigos do Peito, Figueira da Foz, Bruaá Edição e Design, 2015.
·I pani d'oro della vecchina, Milán, Topipittori, 2012.
·La asombrosa y verdadera historia de un ratón llamado Pérez, Madrid, Siruela, 2012.
·Les poings sur les îles, Paris, Éditions du Rouergue, 2011.
·La coda canterina, Milán, Topipittori, 2010.
·7 Llaves de cuento, Sevilla, Editorial Kalandraka, 2009.
·El Catalejo, Barcelona, Almadraba infantil, 2009.
·Un camello en la cornisa, Madrid, MacMillan, 2009.
·La bruja Yagá y otros cuentos, Madrid, Anaya, 2007.