Teatre de Cendra
- (Mallorca)
- Genre: Theatre of text , Theatre
Teatre de Cendra was created in 2014 by Lucía Sánchez and Enrique Mongay.
Their projects include:
- La Piel de Gallina" (Premiered in 2014 in "Sa Posesión", Palma), written by Antonio Villalonga and directed collectively by the different members of the show.
- Cenizas" (Premiered in 2015 at the Festival "8 Grados menos", Andilla, Valencia) - Own creation from the Tales of Gabriel García Márquez.
- El estatuto" (Piece written by the "Teatro de Barra - Bares de mala muerte", 2016) - Written and Directed by Teatre de Cendra
- Un Cena de amort" (Premiered in "Hay Secretario Viejo", Marratxí. 2016) - Teatro de Cabaret
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