Pere Joan Martorell (Lloseta, 1972) is a poet, narrator and literary critic. He has a degree in psychology. He has published some twenty books. As a literary critic, he collaborates in the Cos de lletra section of the newspaper Última Hora. He was a founding member of Edicions del Salobre. He was director of Culture of the Balearic Islands.
With his latest novel, La memòria de l'Oracle, he won the Mallorca Narrative Prize 2017. He is the author of the novels Nocturn sense estrelles (2006) and Llibre de les revelacions (2007), and of the narration books Art de trobar veritat (2002) and Vides errants (2013).
As a poet, he has published the books Del record contra el temps (1995, Llorenç Moyà Prize), La veu del silenci (1996), Curs de matèria reservada (1997, Martí Dot Prize), Llibre d'Eros (1998, UIB Poetry Prize), Breviari de la cendra (2001), Llibre de cera (2005, Viola d'Argent dels Jocs Florals Prize of Barcelona), Dansa nocturna (2007, Ciutat de Palma Prize), Aquest Cor (2012) and Mitologia (2017). With Manel Marí, Sebastià Alzamora and Josep Lluís Aguiló published 'Grans èxits' (2010, Moll publishing house).
He is the author of the art book Luis Maraver. El viatge infinit (2017).

La memòria de l'Oracle


Vides errants

Aquest cor
June 7, 2012.

Dansa nocturna
May 1, 2007.

Nocturn sense estrelles