Nívola Uyá
- (València, 1976)
- Genre: Children's illustration , Illustrated book
Illustrator with a Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science. She has produced artwork for a wide range of projects, including murals, promotional campaigns, magazines, personal graphic artwork, educational materials, comic and illustrated books. Her illustrations have featured in more of a dozen Children’s Picture Books published in English, Spanish, Catalan and Swahili. With her magic realistic style, she has won several international awards in the USA and Spain: First Prize for Illustration of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, 2007. Winner of the Silver medal to the Best illustrator at the Moonbeam Children Book Awards 2013. First Prize in Living Now Awards, 2014 or Best illustrated Picture Book at the International Latino Book Awards 2015 among others.
Works (selection)
·Que amores de sons, Editora do Brasil, 2017.
·Lopez Lomong (Text by Ana Eulate), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2016. English and Spanish edition.
·La costa de Mallorca. Interpretada por nuestros ilustradores (comic, several authors), Editorial General Clúster, 2016.
·A Treasure in the Peaks. Learning to meditate. (Text by Ramiro Calle), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2015. English and Spanish edition.
·Mis amigos (y otros cuentos) (Text by Margarita Roig Torrens), Ed. Fundación Santillana, 2015.
·Mariama, different but just the same (Text by Jerónimo Cornelles), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2014. English and Spanish edition.
·Yoga in the jungle (Text by Ramiro Calle), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2014. English and Spanish edition.
·Snowbound Secrets (Text by Virginia Kroll), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2013. English and Spanish edition.
·Walking eagle, the little Comanche boy (Text by Ana Eulate), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2013. English and Spanish edition.
·A very, very noisy tractor (Text by Mar Pavón), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2013. English and Spanish edition.
·Varietats locals de Balears (Text by Aina Maria Socíes), Edicions Documenta Balear, 2012.
·Life is beautiful! (Text by Ana Eulate), Ed. Cuento de Luz, 2012. English and Spanish edition.
·Plou i fa sol (Text by Caterina Valriu), Ed. Barcanova, 2011.
·El viaje del niño muón (Text by Nívola Uyá), Ed. Ayuntamiento Pedro Bernardo, 2010.
·Quatre Retocs / Some cosmetics touch ups (Text by Caterina Valriu), Ed. ONG SMSF, 2009.
·Las rocas con ojos de monstruo (Text by Rosa Mª Mateos), Ed. Asociación Geológica de España, 2009.
·L’Amor de les Tres Taronges (Text by Antoni María Alcover), Ed. Moll, 2008.




Snowbound Secrets

Life is beautiful!