Miquel Rayó
- (Palma, 21/09/1952)
- Genre: Poetry , Children's Literature , Narrative , Essay
He is educator and a prolific writer. He has published around thirty books on subjects for children and young people, the novels La reina de Saba (Moll, 1995) and L'ungla de la gran bèstia (Moll, 1997), the poetry book Llibre de minúcies (Rata Cultura Expandida, 2017), tourist or nature guides of the Balearic Islands.
He has won several literary prizes, such as the Guillem Cifre de Colonya (1982), the Josep Maria Folch i Torres (1986), the Joaquim Ruyra (1999), Edebé (2000), the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana (2000) and the Crítica Serra d'Or prize (2001), among others.