He is a poet, translator and literary critic. He has a degree in Catalan Philology and he works as a teacher.
He has published the collections of poems ’arena de l’amor (Moll, 1986), Animals intel·ligents (Moll, 1992), Memòria del Jardí (Di7, 2000), Els sonets del Cola-cao, (2010, published under the pseudonym Paula Prohens), A la Gran Babilònia (Moll, 2011), La gratitud (Moll, 2014), Zooscòpia (Blind Books, 2016), Fourmillante (Edicions 62) and Volen quan volen (Arrela, 2017). He has also published the book of narrations Carrer Vanuatu (Di7, 1999) and L’anell del capità Llull (Lleonard Muntaner, 2012).
He has translated from English into Catalan the authors Edward Lear, Edgar Lee Masters (Antologia de Spoon River, Premi Crítica Serra d'Or 2013) and Ted Kooser (L'ocell matiner i altres poemes).
With Fourmillante, he won the 16th Sant Cugat Poetry Prize in memory of Gabriel Ferrater.