Melcior Comes
- (Sa Pobla, 1980)
- Genre: Narrative
Melcior Comes (sa Pobla, Mallorca, 1980) has a degree in Law and Theory of Literature. Author of the novels L'aire i el món (Ciutat d'Elx Prize), L'estupor que us espera (Documenta Prize 2004) and El llibre dels plaers immensos (Ciutat de Palma Prize 2006). He has also published, together with Jordi Rourera, Pere Antoni Pons and Josep Pedrals, the essay Qui no mereix una pallissa! His latest novels are Hotel Indira (2014) and Sobre la terra impura (2018).
He has collaborated, among other media, in Televisió de Catalunya, Catalunya Ràdio, the newspaper Ara, El Punt Avui, Presencia, Diari de Baleares, El Singular Digital and the magazine Caràcters. In 2010, he curated the exhibition Barcelona - Valencia - Palma at the CCCB, with Vicent Sanchis and Ignasi Aballí. He teaches fiction writing at the Ateneu Barcelonés. He has translated into Catalan works by Honoré de Balzac and Víctor Hugo.

Sobre la terra impura

Hotel Indira
Nov. 6, 2014.

La batalla de Walter Stamm
Feb. 1, 2008.