Marta Masana
- (Palma, 1992)
- Genre: Humor
Born in Mallorca in 1992. Since 2015 she is publishing regularly in the Spanish comic magazine El Jueves and in 2016 she published her first book, Mocca Café, that collects her 100 first comic strips from her webcomic.
·Mocca Café Vol.1, Auto-published, 2016.
·La Costa de Mallorca (severa authors), Ediciones General Clúster, 2016.
·Coa de peix at La Nova Onada, Kirby Còmics, 2016.
·Nenas at El Jueves, 2015-2016.
·Michael l’Elf at Revista Esquitx, Esquitx edicions, 2015
·El final dels temps at Revista de Còmics a la Deriva, Edicions del Despropòsit, 2016.
·Bob (several authors), Edicions General Clúster, 2016.

Mocca Café Vol. I