Lucia Pietrelli (Candelara - Italy, 8 April 1984) left Italy ten years ago. She studied in Pisa, where she learned Spanish. Her Spanish teacher gave her an internship in Madrid, where she lived for three years and worked as a literary advisor of Italian works for the Alfaguara publishing house. Then she moved to Barcelona, where she studied Literature Theory at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her Mallorcan friends made her discover the island. She has been living in Mallorca for five years. She currently works at the Drac Màgic bookshop in Palma and continues to translate and provide literary advice.
She prepared and read the manifesto of the Diada de Mallorca of 31 December 2014. She has published poems and narrative. She has received the Bernat Vidal (2011, for Violacions) and Tomás i Benet Ribas (2012, for Esquelet) poetry prizes, and the Vila de Lloseta (2013, for Nissaga), Pare Colom (2014, for Qui ens defensarà) and Joanot Martorell (2015, for Cadenes) narrative prizes.
2010: Fúria (Furia): Documenta Balear.
2011: Vertical (Verticale): Raffaelli Editore
2011: Violacions: Moll
2013: Esquelet: Pagès Editors
2013: Mort d'un aviador tartamut: AdiA Edicions
2015: Ortigues: AdiA Edicions
2016: V.: Cafè Central / Eumo Editorial.
2011: Blues en setze (Blues in sedici) de Stefano Benni: Lleonard Muntaner
2013: Parasceve de Blai Bonet (translated to Spanish): Lleonard Muntaner
2017: Atles de micronacions de Graciano Grazini: Males Herbes.
2013: Nissaga: Moll
2014: Qui ens defensarà: Lleonard Muntaner
2015: Cadenes. Edicions 62