Estudi Zero Teatre
- (1985)
- Genre: Theatre , Visual theatre , Theatre of text , Family audience , Poetry
Estudi Zero Teatre is a professional theater company founded in 1985 with actors who came from Trip Trup Teatro and was established as a cooperative in 1988. Its members are M. Pere Mestre, Pepa Ramon and Lourdes Erroz Dominic Hull. Estudi Zero Teatre works in theater production, teaching and manages the Teatre Sans as exhibition space. In their production we can find pieces for both children and young adult audiences and for adult or family audiences, as well as works or collective creation, of the international dramatic repertoire, street theater and shows of café-théâtre and pocket opera.
With their productions they have participated in various festivals and fairs: Theater Festival in Palma, Jornades MEDITERRANIES in Sabadell, Transformadors in Barcelona, ??Fira de Teatre al Carrer Tarrega (1990, 1993, 2000), Theatre Festival San Sebastian Festival Theatre East, Caribbean and Worldwide Bolivarianos in Barcelona, ??Cumanà, Maturin (Venezuela), autumn Fesival in Madrid, Festival Lazarillo Manzanares (Ciudad Real), great in Salamanca Week, Young Scene in Albacete, Festival d'Escenaris del Mon in Baleares, Mostra de Teatre de Catalunya Infantil i Juvenil in Igualada, Fira de Teatre Infantil i Juvenil de Vilafranca and Mostra de Teatre per a Boixos of Eivissa.
Their shows have revolved inside the Circuit de Teatre de Mallorca Consell de Mallorca, Circuit of Castilla-La Mancha, Motor Madrid, and have been programmed in seasons at different theaters of Madrid, Catalonia, the Community of Valencia and the rest of the Balearic Islands. Their productions, their teaching and the recuperation and management of the Teatre Sans have received several awards of the City of Palma, the Award Francesc de Borja Moll of the Balearic Government; the Pas de la Tarda de Radio Nacional and various competitions of cultural projects of the Foundation Sa Nostra.
Contact us
Pere Mestre - Antònia Beltran: 971 72 71 66 /