Duet Aguiló Fiol de contrabaix i guitarra
Xisco Aguiló
Born in Mallorca, he studied double bass and violone at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, with Anthony Woodrow, Margaret Urquart and Knut Guettler, and graduated in both specialities. He was a member of the JONDE (Joven Orquesta Nacional de España). He has been a member of the Orquesta Sinfónica de las Islas Baleares and a regular collaborator with the OCG (Orquesta Ciudad de Granada). He has taught violone courses for the University of Salamanca and the Hong Kong Conservatory. He has given numerous recitals on double bass and piano with the pianists Rumiko Harada, Yuko Mizutani, Marta Ambrós and Isabel Fèlix, with whom he plays regularly and with whom he has published a recording work. Specialising in early music, he has performed incessantly with groups such as the Real Cámara, the Concierto Español, the Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla, Le Concert des Nations, Cuarteto Albada, Al Ayre Español and the Orquesta del s.XVIII, with whom he has given concerts in Japan, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong, and with whom he regularly participates in the most prestigious European festivals. He has recorded for labels such as Ona Digital, Lindoro, Glossa, Alia Vox, Armonía Mundi, Prometeo, Chalenge, among others.
Pedro J. Fiol
Born in Palma, he studied classical guitar at the Palma Conservatory with the concert guitarist Gabriel Estarellas. He completed the studies leading to the Higher Degree at the Superior Conservatory of Music in Madrid. Fiol's musical activity covers most of the registers of performance: from an interesting concert career to the construction of instruments, without forgetting an important teaching facet, both in the classroom and in the management of the Ireneu Espectáculos theatre.
As a performer, he has given concerts on the Islands, throughout Spain and in different parts of Europe. He has formed part of a good number of chamber ensembles, and currently also forms a duo with the flautist Enrique Sánchez, with whom he has several programmes. On the recording side, he has participated in several recordings with artists of the stature of the mezzo-soprano Eulàlia Salbanyà, among others. Pere Fiol's musical interests, beyond performance, include the Instrument Workshop, which he shares with Francesc Forteza, where they are dedicated to the construction, restoration and maintenance of stringed instruments. He has also taught lutherie foundations for stringed instruments at the Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears (Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands).