Cap Pela
- (1994)
- Genre: Pop , A cappella
Since its very beginnings, Cap Pela has remained faithful to its line of work: having a good time and entertaining through a varied and heterogeneous repertoire that brings together great hits from international artists and that little by little has been assuming increasingly complex, risky and creative challenges.
A repertoire with which they connect very directly with the tastes and emotions of a very wide audience of all ages, and with which they demonstrate that with the voice you can imitate any instrument, any atmosphere, fleeing from a purely choral approach to give it a more novel and groundbreaking air. But behind all this hides a lot of work and a firm and determined commitment to quality based on the solid training and excellence of the vocal technique of each of the seven components, and the innovation and magnificent work of arrangements and harmonies that exploit the full potential of the group.
They show, live, how they are: cheerful, passionate and natural. Without artifices or manipulations, all the sound they display is real and it is here where they show us the compenetration of their voices: the complicity, the rigor, the professionalism and the experience acquired throughout their extensive trajectory, where they put all their energy, their joy and the love for the music provoking the enthusiastic response of an audience that they have known how to seduce from the first song and that does not stop growing, concert after concert and record after record after record.
Contact us
Àngel Pujol Rosselló: 605063285/

Happy Christmas
December 2015.

January 2014.

Moon River
November 2011.

Per Nadal
December 2008.

November 2008.

De cap

A pèl

Cap Pela