Albert Herranz Hammer
- (Estocolm, 1970)
- Genre: Multidisciplinary theater , Documentary Film , Journalism , Essay , Narrative , Poetry
He's a Mallorcan writer. He was born in Stockholm. At the age of five, he moved to Mallorca. From the age of 12 to 14, he returned to live in Sweden.
He teaches Spanish and Catalan at the Foundation of the Swedish Workers' Movement in Stockholm, translates literature for major publishing houses such as RBA and Random House and is dedicated to documentary cinema. He has directed the collection Plaguetes del raval, de estudios locales, and Edicions del Moixet Demagog. He is the author of several tourist books on Mallorca, published in Triangle Postals.
He has published in Catalan and Spanish. His first publications were poetry books. He is the author of narrative books and creative audiovisual documentaries, such as Giraldos Brothers. Män utan nerver, about life in a village in central Sweden. He has written and directed the documentary Andreu Muntaner i Darder, de fòssils i fotografies, produced by La Perifèrica.
His theatrical work Radiografies won the Proyecto Alcover prize (2007) and was distinguished as the best show at the Mostra de Teatre de Barcelona (2007).
He has scripted several audiovisual programmes, such as (Televisión de Mallorca "M"), the documentary series Memòria i oblit d'una guerra (Cinètica) and the documentary El setè dia (Espiral Producciones). He adapted classic stories for L'hora del conte (IB3).

Así era Santa Catalina
July 10, 2013.

La Segona República a Mallorca
Sept. 30, 2006.

Embajador de un país inexistente
March 8, 2006.

May 1, 2004.

June 1, 2001.

Incident a Malaco

Fresas para Tristan Tzara
May 1, 1997.