He's a writer and a physicist. He lives in Palma.
His series of novels Nocilla Dream (2006), Nocilla Experience (2008) and Nocilla Lab (2009), which ended in a version drawn by Pere Joan, gave a name to what was understood as the Nocilla Generation, a movement that renews the Spanish literary panorama. He also published the essay Postpoesía. Hacia un nuevo paradigma (2009). He is the author of the collections of poems Yo siempre regreso a los pezones y al punto 7 del Tractatus (2001), Creta lateral travelling (World Café Prize 2004), the poembook-performance Joan Fontaine Odisea [mi deconstrucción] (2005), and Carne de píxel (2008). He is the author of the novels El hacedor (by Borges), Remake (2011) and Limbo (2014). With Trilogía de la guerra (2018) he won the Biblioteca Breve Prize.
His books have been translated into English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Croatian and Serbian.

Teoría general de la basura
Oct. 17, 2018.

Ya nadie se llamará como yo + Poesía reunida (1998-2012)
Sept. 22, 2015.

January 2014.

Proyecto Nocilla
September 2013.